- Moments away from High Street and within easy access of New Malden and Berrylands Railway Stations (Southwestern Railway) - journey time into Waterloo Station approx. 25 mins.
- Existing site measures circa 11,620 sq ft and comprises two houses and a warehouse.
- Planning permission granted by Kingston Council for:
Demolition of existing buildings. Erection of two storey buildings for five houses, two self-contained flats (1 x studio & 1 x 1 bed) and a B1 commercial unit (Ref:17/14683/FUL).
- Proposed NIA Resi: 6,016 sq ft.
- Proposed NIA Commercial: 981 sq ft.
- Development to include six off-street parking spaces.
- Total CIL - £18,250 / no financial S.106 obligations.
- Freehold.